Learning ExCHANGE
ReThinking - Here’s the Think.
Some people say that only government and big business can make a difference to climate change.
Here’s the Think…every day, every single thing that normal people do will help or hurt the planet.
When 3.5 % of the population does a new thing, it’s enough to cause systemic change. You don’t have to join a revolution, or march, or throw out all your plastic. Just ReThink buying more.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -this quote attributed to Margaret Mead, 1977.
ReThink made NREasy.
Is There a Future for Recycling? - 3 Part Series
Nanaimo Recycling Exchange operated recycling depots from the 1970’s until 2018. Many changes to the marketplace, the industry, and to government priorities have challenged the future of recycling.
Where does recycling fit in? What questions need answers?
The most important challenge to the future of Recycling is
Plastic is pollution the day it is made. There is no technology to reduce the impact of plastic on our environment. Our rivers and oceans, fish and wildlife, our drinking water and our food is now contaminated with particles of plastic.
What is being done?
Canada's Plastic Action Plan
In 2016, the Canadian Department of the Environment commissioned a study showing 85% of plastic waste went to landfills, and 9% was recycled. This report exposed the reality of pollution from plastic during and after use.
In 2021, the new Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) announced that Plastic has been labelled as Toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. This designation allowed the ministry to regulate plastic to prevent pollution.
The plastics industry has since challenged the designation in the courts. The Toxic designation was overturned, but the Ministry is still working on regulations.
ECCC reaches out to the public and to organizations for help to draft regulations. NRES has significant experience and knowledge about waste and recycling: we know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to plastic. To stop plastic pollution, NRES tells it like it is to government.
Read NRES recommendations:
Want to know about Federal Plastics policy development?
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BC’s Action Plan
CleanBC’s Action Plan is designed to reduce emissions. All government publications can be found on the CleanBC website.
BC Province manages waste and pollution prevention through the BC Recycling Regulations (from 2004) under the BC Environmental Management Act (from 2003). This means the BC government regulates Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) recycling programs that are for consumers. All other recycling for business and industry is not regulated.
In case you missed it…what is EPR?
BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy requires all EPR programs to submit annual reports every year, and plan updates every 5 years. NRES contributes to every plan update.
Read NRES recommendations:
To see all other EPR programs regulated by the BC Government, CLICK HERE.